MO Studios

{MO Studios}{Regent Place}{Birmingham}{B1 3NJ}{United Kingdom}{(0333) 0124257}
15-17 Regent Place B1 3NJ Birmingham,
Phone: (0333) 0124257

M.O. Studios M.O. Studios M.O. Studios M.O. Studios

modelled fashion photography

inspire your audiences with model shots

What better way to showcase your clothing range than with real people? Using the aid of a model will bring your brand to life. We are able to provide you with an abundance of options to showcase your clothing, or fashion range such as:
• Model photography
• Lifestyle photos
• Look-book photography
• Fashion editorial photography
If you want to make the process smoother, we do offer an all-inclusive service which includes; fashion stylist, makeup artists, hair stylist, production managers and high-end retouching.

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